D. Wade Hands
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Selected Older Papers
“Realism, Commonsensibles, and Economics: The Case of Contemporary Revealed Preference Theory,” in Economics for Real: Uskali Mäki and the Place of Truth in Economics, Aki Lehtinen, Jaakko Kuorikoski, and Petri Ylikoski (eds.), London: Routledge, 2012, 156-78.
“The Positive-Normative Dichotomy and Economics,” in Philosophy of Economics, U. Mäki (ed.), Vol. 13 of D. Gabbay, P. Thagard and J. Woods (eds.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2012, 219-39.
“The Rise and Fall of Walrasian Economics: The Keynesian Effect,” in Microfoundations Reconsidered: The Relationship of Micro and Macroeconomics in Historical Perspective, P. G. Duarte and G. T. Lima (eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012, 93-130.
“Back to the Ordinalist Revolution: Behavioral Economic Concerns in Early Modern Consumer Choice Theory,” Metroeconomica, 62, 2011, 386-410.
“Stabilizing Consumer Choice: The Role of ‘True Dynamic Stability’ and Related Concepts in the History of Consumer Choice Theory,” The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 17, 2010, 313-43.
“Effective Tension in Robbins’s Economic Methodology,” Economica, 76, 2009, 831-44.
Review of "The Foundations of Positive and Normative Economics: A Handbook" by A. Caplin and A. Schotter, History of Economic Ideas, 2009, 17, 202-206.
“Individual Psychology, Rational Choice, and Demand: Some Remarks on Three Recent Studies,” Revue de Philosophie Economique, 13, 2006, 3-48
"Transforming Methodology: Critical Realism and Recent Economic Methodology," in Transforming Economics: Perspectives on the Critical Realist Project, Paul Lewis (ed.), Routledge, 2004, 286-301.
"Pragmatism, Knowledge, and Economic Science: Deweyan Pragmatic Philosophy and Contemporary Economic Methodology," in Dewey, Pragmatism, and Economic Methodology, E. L. Khalil (ed.), Routledge, 2004, 255-70.
"Constructivism: The Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge," in The Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy, J. Davis, A. Marciano, and J. Runde (eds.), Edward Elgar, 2004, 197-212.
"Empirical Realism as Meta-Method: Tony Lawson on Neoclassical Economics," Ekonomia, 1, 1997, 39-53 [reprinted in Critical Realism in Economics: Development and Debate, Steve Fleetwood (ed.), Routledge, 1999, 169-85].
(with Philip Mirowski) "Harold Hotelling and the Neoclassical Dream" in Economics and Methodology: Crossing Boundaries, R. Backhouse, D. Hausman, U. Mäki, and A. Salanti (eds.), Macmillan and St. Martin’s, 1998, 322-397.
"Frank Knight’s Pluralism," in Pluralism in Economics: New Perspectives in History and Methodology, A. Salanti and E. Screpanti (eds.), Edward Elgar, 1997, 194-206.
"Falsification, Situational Analysis and Scientific Research Programs: The Popperian Tradition in Economic Methodology," in Post-Popperian Methodology of Economics: Recovering Practice, Neil de Marchi (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishing, 1992, 19-53.
"The Problem of Excess Content: Economics, Novelty and a Long Popperian Tale," in Appraising Economic Theories: Studies in the Methodology of Research Programs. M. Blaug and N. de Marchi (eds.), Edward Elgar, 1991, 58-75.
"Popper, the Rationality Principle and Economic Explanation," in Economics, Culture and Education: Essays in Honor of Mark Blaug, G. K. Shaw (ed.), Edward Elgar, 1991, 108-19.
"Thirteen Theses on Progress in Economic Methodology," Finnish Economic Papers, 3, 1990, 72-76.
"Grunberg and Modigliani, Public Predictions and the New Classical Macroeconomics," Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 7, 1990, 207-23.
"Ad Hocness in Economics and Popperian Philosophy," in The Popperian Legacy in Economics and Beyond, Neil de Marchi (ed.), Cambridge University Press, 1988, 121-37.
"The Logical Reconstruction of Pure Exchange Economics: Another Alternative," Theory and Decision, 19, 1985, 259-78.
"Review of Stanley Wong: The Foundations of Paul Samuelson's Revealed Preference Theory (1978)," Kyklos, 1980, 33 572-573.,
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